


  1. hyvitys, palautus

Esimerkkejä rebate sanan käytöstä:

tax ~ veronpalautus



  1. kynte, ura, palautus, takaisinmaksu, ostohyvitys, alennus, hinnanalennus, hyvitys, vuokran hyvitys, kouru, uurre, kanava, uoma, uurros, katkaista, uurtaa, maalaistaa.

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antaa hyvitystä


ostohyvitys, hinnanalennus

ura A deduction from an amount to be paid; an abatement.
The return of part of an amount already paid.
puhekieltä The edge of a roll of film, from which no image can be developed.
A rectangular groove made to hold two pieces (of wood etc) together; a rabbet.
(quote-journal) (Property)|date=11 September 2014|passage=For your existing windows, the glazing rebates will also have to be deepened to provide the extra gap.
A piece of wood hafted into a long stick, and serving to beat out mortar.
An iron tool sharpened something like a chisel, and used for dressing and polishing wood.
A kind of hard freestone used in making pavements.
puhekieltä To deduct or return an amount from a bill or payment
puhekieltä To diminish or lessen something
To beat to obtuseness; to deprive of keenness; to blunt; to turn back the point of, as a lance used for exercise.

But doth rebate and blunt his natural edge.
puhekieltä To cut a rebate (or rabbet) in something
To abate; to withdraw.


(es-verb form of)


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aate, olympia-aate, osuustoiminta-aate, periaate, toimintaperiaate, yleisperiaate, määräämisperiaate, toimitusperiaate, julkisuusperiaate, kansallisuusperiaate

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