
Tarkoititko: realismi

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Liittyvät sanat: realisaatio, realismi, realisoida, realisointi, realisointikeskus, realisoitua.


englanti puhekieltä A category of grammatical moods, the most common of which is the indicative mood, that indicate that something actually is, or is not, the case.
puhekieltä Of or relating to the realis mood.
puhekieltä Inflected to indicate that something actually is, or is not, the case.
puhekieltä (l)
puhekieltä actual, substantial, that actually exists
puhekieltä existing in fact, having objective existence
relating to, consisting of, or being immovable property
concerned with or relating to things
puhekieltä a (l)


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