
Tarkoititko: rappeuma

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englanti A unit of currency in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, equal to one-hundredth of a Swiss franc. (defdate)
1979, (w), Smileys People'', Folio Society 2010, p. 273:
‘Meticulous to a fault,’ he declared respectfully – even if the fault included checking Toby's imprest down to the last Swiss Rappen, a discipline he accepted with a rueful grace.
2015, (w), Hausfrau, Random House 2015, p. 112:
There was a hole the size of a ten-rappen coin on her right shin and a run laddering after it.
to rap (gloss)
to rap
puhekieltä to rip, to tear
puhekieltä to snatch, to tear off
puhekieltä to grate


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