


  1. lunnaat

Esimerkkejä ransom sanan käytöstä:

He paid a ransom for me – Hän maksoi minusta lunnaat



  1. takaisinsaanti, takaisin saaminen, vapauttaminen, maksaminen, maksun suoritus, maksusuoritus, lunnaat, lunnasraha, kustannus, lunnasrahat, maksaa lunnaat, lunastaa, lunastaa vapaaksi, vaihtaa.

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lunastaa vapaaksi



vapauttaminen money Money paid for the freeing of a hostage.

They were held for two million dollars ransom.

They were held to ransom.

1674, w:John Milton|John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book XII:
Thy ransom paid, which man from death redeems.
Sir J. Davies
His captivity in Austria, and the heavy ransom he paid for his liberty.
2010, Caroline Alexander, The War That Killed Achilles: The True Story of Homers Iliad'':
As rich as was the ransom Priam paid for Hektor, Hermes says, his remaining sons at Troy “'would give three times as much ransom / for you, who are alive, were Atreus' son Agamemnon / to recognize you.'”
The release of a captive, or of captured property, by payment of a consideration.

prisoners hopeless of ransom


puhekieltä A sum paid for the pardon of some great offence and the discharge of the offender; also, a fine paid in lieu of corporal punishment.
puhekieltä To deliver, especially in context of sin or relevant penalties.
To pay a price to set someone free from captivity or punishment.

to ransom prisoners from an enemy

To exact a ransom for, or a payment on.

Such lands as he had rule of he ransomed them so grievously, and would tax the men two or three times in a year. — Berners.


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