

  1. juntta, sulloin.

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sulloin A device used to ram; a ramrod.

Now use your rammer to pack it tightly into the barrel.

1853, (w), Household Words (volume 6, page 387)
A "mooner," fond of staring into shop windows, or watching the labourers pulling up the pavement to inspect the gas-pipes, or listening stolidly to the dull "pech" of the paviour's rammer on the flags.
(..) I put my waterproof over the muzzle of one gun, and made a sort of wigwam with two or three rammers that I found, and lay along the tail of another gun (..)
One who rams.

When we meet head-on the question will be which of us will be the rammer and which the rammed.

(inflection of)
(form of)


rammer rimmaa näiden kanssa:


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