

  1. japanilainen nuudelikeitto, jonka alkujuuret ovat Kiinassa

Liittyvät sanat: noodle



nuudeli">ramen-nuudeli soup Soup noodles of wheat, with various ingredients (Japanese style)
A type of instant noodles.
puhekieltä amen
2005, Mel Sharples, Prayer In City Council Meetings??, ott.general:

... For thine is the colander, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. RAmen.
2006, bg1...@apexmail.com, A Pastafarians prayer'', alt.atheism:
... For thine are Meatballs, and the beer, and the strippers, for ever and ever. RAmen.
2006, Roger Bryant, Re: Is this all?, alt.religion.pastafarianism:
They will let me wear The Chosen Attire at work, however. Ramen.
2008, Terry, Re: We do not have a soul' = an immaterial and immortal piece'', alt.agnosticism:
No, no, no! Until YOU stand before His Noodliness when you die. And if you do not believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster (RAmen brother!) then you will not get to partake of the beer volcanoes, nor enjoy the strippers in Heaven.
2008, DuhIdiot, Re: Lets sanitize song lyrics by removing references to religious garbage'', alt.atheism:
YHWH" = tetragrammaton. "FSM" = tetrazziniton. Ramen.
2009, JFlexer, MAN PRAYS TO FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER (plus other March 4 FlashNews.com Shorts), alt.gossip.celebrities:
May the Fork be with you... RAmen.
puhekieltä to make an estimate
puhekieltä to fix an estimate, to budget


puhekieltä to guess, to reckon, to deduce
puhekieltä to take aim (at), to watch, to observe
puhekieltä to hit
puhekieltä to stretch on a frame, as done with cloth to be dried
puhekieltä to arrange bushels of cereals on the field in a certain way
puhekieltä to tie a bird's wings together to prevent it flying away
(nl-noun form of)
English ramen
(l) (gloss)


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