


  1. (eläintiede) pesukarhu

Liittyvät sanat: racoon



  1. supieläin, pesukarhut, supit, Procyon-suku, pesukarhu, supi, Procyon lotor, suosupi, Procyon cancrivorus, turkki, nahka, pesukarhun nahka.

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pesukarhun nahka

pesukarhu A nocturnal omnivore native to North America, typically with a mixture of gray, brown, and black fur, a mask-like marking around the eyes and a striped tail; Procyon lotor.
1624, John Smith, Generall Historie, in Kupperman 1988, p. 64:

Before a fire upon a seat like a bedsted, he sat covered with a great robe, made of Rarowcun skinnes, and all the tayles hanging by.
2010, Charlie Brooker, "Screen Burn", The Guardian, 3 Apr 2010:
Thus we're presented with(..)a man who has the head of his penis bitten off by a raccoon, then bleeds to death in a forest.
Any mammal of the genus Procyon.
Any mammal of the subfamily Procyoninae, a procyonine.
Any mammal of the family Procyonidae, a procyonid.


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