

  1. tietokilpailu



  1. kuulustelu, tutkinto, koe, testi, tentti, pistokoe, kysely, visa, olla testattavana, koetella, testata, tutkia, kuulustella.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



tutkia, testata, koetella

visa, kuulustelu Something designed to puzzle one or make one ridiculous; banter; raillery.
One who or that which quizzes.
puhekieltä An odd or absurd person or thing.


(quote-book)|title=(w)|url=http://www.gutenberg.org/files/121/121-h/121-h.htm|chapter=7|passage=Where did you get that quiz of a hat? It makes you look like an old witch.
A competition in the answering of questions.


A school examination of less importance, or of greater brevity, than others given in the same course.
puhekieltä To hoax; to chaff or mock with pretended seriousness of discourse; to make sport of, as by obscure questions.
puhekieltä To peer at; to eye suspiciously or mockingly.
puhekieltä To question closely, to interrogate.
puhekieltä To instruct by means of a quiz.
puhekieltä puhekieltä To play with a quiz
(l) (gloss)
English quiz
puhekieltä English quiz
(obsolete spelling of)
puhekieltä quiz show

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