


  1. riita

  2. kiista

  3. nuoli jousen

  4. taltta

  5. pieni vinoneliön muotoinen ikkunaruutu

Liittyvät sanat: quarrelsome



  1. nuoli, tylppä nuoli, kiista, riita, erimielisyys, konflikti, mielipide-ero, kina, tora, sananvaihto, yhteenotto, tappelu, kiistely, sanasota, rähinä, melu, meteli, rähäkkä, rytäkkä, nahistelu, kinastelu, riitely, nahina, riidanpoikanen, hämminki, hässäkkä, kahina.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



tylppä nuoli

kina, kiista

riidellä A verbal dispute or heated argument.

We got into a silly quarrel about what food to order.

Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side. q:François de La Rochefoucauld|François de La Rochefoucauld
A ground of dispute or objection; a complaint.

A few customers in the shop had some quarrels with us, so we called for the manager.

Herodias had a quarrel against him, and would have killed him. - Bible, Mark vi. 19
You mistake, sir. I am sure no man hath any quarrel to me. - Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Act 3, scene 4
puhekieltä earnest desire or longing.


puhekieltä To disagree.
puhekieltä To contend, argue fiercely, squabble.
Sir W. Temple
Beasts called sociable quarrel in hunger and lust.
puhekieltä To find fault; to cavil.

to quarrel with ones lot''

I will not quarrel with a slight mistake.
puhekieltä To argue or squabble with.
Ben Jonson
I had quarrelled my brother purposely.
A diamond-shaped piece of coloured glass forming part of a stained glass window.
A square tile; quarry tile.
A square-headed arrow for a crossbow.
1600, (w), The (w) of (w), Book VII, ciii:
Twanged the string, out flew the quarrel long, / And through the subtle air did singing pass.
Sir (w) (c.1350)
to shoot with arrows and quarrel
Sir (w) (1771-1832)
two arblasts,(..)with windlaces and quarrels
1829, (w), http://archive.org/stream/olioormuseumofen03londuoft/olioormuseumofen03londuoft_djvu.txt The Olio or Museum of Entertainment, Vol.III, p.174
The small cross-bow, called the arbalet or arbalest, is said to have been invented by the Sicilians. It was carried by the foot-soldiers, and when used was charged with a quarrel or bar-bolt, that is, a small arrow with a flat head, one of which occasioned the death of Harold at the battle of Hastings,(nb..).
2000. (w), (w), p.379
Satin scooped up his crossbow and sent a few quarrels after them as they ran, to see them off the faster.
A small opening in window tracery, of which the cusps etc. make the form nearly square.
A four-sided cutting tool or chisel with a diamond-shaped end.


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