

  1. tunnustettu, oletettu, putatiivinen.

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putatiivinen, oletettu Commonly believed or deemed to be the case; accepted by supposition rather than as a result of proof.
1879, Maurice Mauris, "A Materialistic Artist," New York Times, 9 Nov., p. 10:

The lady . . . insisted upon going herself, requesting me to mind for a second the baby. . . . lo! the baby awoke and stared at me with a pair of big frightened eyes, which the little thing in another moment rolled in all directions, as if in search of its putative mother.
1989, w:William Colby|William E. Colby and w:Jeremy Stone|Jeremy J. Stone, ",7817370&dq=putative-leader US must support Thailand if Cambodia is to survive," Milwaukee Sentinel (Los Angeles Times Service), 28 Oct. (retrieved 15 Sep. 2009):
Just as Prince Sihanouk is fronting for the Khmer Rouge today . . . so also was he their putative leader from 1970 to 1975.
2006, Unmesh Kher, ",8599,1228716,00.html No Neat Endings for the JonBenet Case," Time, 18 Aug.:
Karr's past does raise suspicions. When he was arrested in Bangkok, he was living in a dormitory-like guesthouse in a neighborhood frequented by sex tourists. . . . Of course, Karr's putative pedophilia would not make him guilty of murder.
(feminine singular of)
Feminine plural form of putativo


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