


  1. takaa

  2. tavoitella, ajaa (asiaa)

  3. seurata reittiä, kurssia; jatkaa, panostaa johonkin

  4. harjoittaa

Esimerkkejä pursue sanan käytöstä:

the cops pursued the vehicle

She was pursued by many suitors.

a lofty cause to pursue

The party no longer pursues a policy of nationalization.

they pursued a different course

Lets not pursue this argument.

We must pursue every lead to catch the serial killer.

A hobby is an activity that you pursue regularly.

Liittyvät sanat: pursuit



  1. etsiä, hakea, tavoitella, kulkea, liikkua, mennä, siirtyä, jahdata, seurata, ajaa takaa, vaania, väijyä, jäljittää, olla kintereillä, varjostaa, seurata jälkiä, ajaa, valvoa, tutkia.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



harjoittaa, toteuttaa

ajaa takaa

jatkaa käsittelyä

tavoitella puhekieltä To follow with harmful intent; to try to harm, to persecute, torment. (defdate)
puhekieltä To follow urgently, originally with intent to capture or harm; to chase. (defdate)
Wyclif Bible, John xv. 20

The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have pursued me, they shall pursue you also.
2009, Martin Chulov, ‘Iraqi shoe-thrower claims he suffered torture in jail’, The Guardian, 15 Sep 09:
He now feared for his life, and believed US intelligence agents would pursue him.
puhekieltä To follow, travel down (a particular way, course of action etc.). (defdate)

Her rival pursued a quite different course.

puhekieltä To aim for, go after (a specified objective, situation etc.). (defdate)
2009, Benjamin Pogrund, ‘Freeze won't hurt Netanyahu’, The Guardian, 1 Dec 09:
He even stands to gain in world terms: his noisy critics strengthen his projected image of a man determined to pursue peace with Palestinians.
puhekieltä To participate in (an activity, business etc.); to practise, follow (a profession). (defdate)


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