


  1. kioskikirjallisuuteen, ns. roskakirjallisuuteen liittyvä

Esimerkkejä pulp sanan käytöstä:

'pulp' fiction

Liittyvät sanat: pulping



  1. aikakausilehti, aikakauslehti, lehti, roskalehti, kasvisolukko, hedelmäliha, malto, tylppysolukko, sokerijuurikkaan puristusjäte, sokeriruo'on puristusjäte, sokeriruokojäte, selluloosa, paperimassa, sellu.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: pulpahdella, pulpahtaa, pulpetti, pulpettikatto, pulpettirivi, pulppuilla.






survoa, soseuttaa puhekieltä Of or pertaining to pulp magazines; in the style of a pulp magazine or the material printed within such a publication.

The Nightwing annual had what felt like a very 'pulp-ish' plot, and the Superman annual was great, with a very pulp plot and a incredible Doc Savage tribute cover.
Rather than Asimov I might suggest Stanley Weinbaum (since he died young and early in his career, he is far more "pulp" than Asimov - and remarkably readable - there is a LANCER collection of some of his short stories).
A soft, moist, shapeless mass or matter.
A magazine or book containing lurid subject subject matter and being characteristically print printed on rough, unfinished paper.
The soft center of a fruit
The soft center of a tooth
A mixture of wood, cellulose and/or rags and water ground up to make paper.
Mass of chemically processed wood fibres (cellulose).
A suspension of mineral particles (suspension typically being achieved by some form of agitation)
To make, or be made into pulp
To beat to a pulp.


  • bulsa: pulpetti : Ku tsittasin snadissa bulsassa, tuli polvet ihan klesaks.

  • pulkkari: pulpetti (koulussa)

  • pulsa: pulpetti : Ope, mä en mahu tähä pulsaan.

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