


  1. poika (miespuolinen lapsi tai nuori)


englanti puhekieltä dung Dung (of dogs, fowls, etc) used in tanning, after applying lime, to soften skins.
1842, The Penny Magazine, May 212/1:
A solution called the ‘pure’ or the 'pewer' (having never seen the word written.., we must spell it as pronounced) is prepared in a large vessel, and into this the skins are immersed.
1903, Henry Richardson Proctor, The principles of leather manufacture, page 174:
(..) The bacteria of fresh dog-dung were not found to possess a satisfactory puering effect, but those from dung with had been fermented a month (as in practice) have a result nearly equal to actual puer.
2009, Tony Covington, Tanning Chemistry: The Science of Leather, page 166:
(..) it was about 50 years before the use of puer was discontinued, at least in Europe.
puhekieltä to stink, to smell (bad)


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