

  1. tuleva, todennäköinen, potentiaalinen, mahdollinen, tulevaisuuden.

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tuleva likely Likely or expected to happen or become.

Prospective students are those who have already applied to the university, but have yet to be admitted.

anticipate Anticipated in the near or far future.
Of or relating to a prospect; furnishing a prospect.
Time's long and dark prospective glass.
Looking forward in time; acting with foresight.
Sir J. Child
The French king and king of Sweden are circumspect, industrious, and prospective, too, in this affair.
puhekieltä A study that starts with the present situation and follows participants into the future
puhekieltä The scene before or around, in time or in space; view; prospect.


puhekieltä A perspective glass.
puhekieltä A Adjective prospective (potential) member, student, employee, date, partner, etc.

Would you like to show the prospective around?

Im meeting the prospectives at 3.''

2006, Verve: The Spirit of Todays Woman'', volume 14, issues 4-6, page 114:
At the moment, meeting interesting, 'could be, maybe not' prospectives around the globe keeps her entertained.
(inflection of)


prospective rimmaa näiden kanssa:

taive, nilkkataive, polvitaive, kyynärtaive, nivustaive, viive, jive, live, toive, voitontoive

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