


  1. tyynnyttää, lepyttää



  1. saada aikaan sovinto, sovitella, sopia, tehdä sovinto, lepytellä, lepyttää, selvittää, saattaa suosiolliseksi, rauhoittaa, tyynnyttää.

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lepyttää, saattaa suosiolliseksi puhekieltä To conciliate, appease, or make peace with someone, particularly a god or spirit.
1720, w:Alexander Pope|Alexander Pope, The Iliad of Homer, Book 1, lines 191-192:

Let fierce Achilles, dreadful in his rage,
The god propitiate, and the pest assuage.
1849, w:Herman Melville|Herman Melville, Mardi, Vol. 2, ch. 25:
But polite and politic it is, to propitiate your hostess.
1910, w:Henry De Vere Stacpoole|Henry De Vere Stacpoole, The Pools of Silence, ch. 30:
He heard . . . one of the soldiers singing as he cleaned his rifle—the men always sang over this business, as if to propitiate the gun god.
2001 Sept. 30, Thom Shanker, " Who Will Fight This War?," New York Times (retrieved 21 April 2015):
By saying unequivocally that conscription is not an option, the Bush administration and the Rumsfeld Pentagon, while propitiating the ghost of Vietnam, are also profiting from the success of the all-volunteer military.
(inflection of)


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