


  1. proseduraalinen

Liittyvät sanat: procedure



proseduuri-, prosessuaalinen, menettelyoikeudellinen, muodollinen

menettelytapa- Related to procedure.

The judge dismissed the case on procedural grounds; it wasnt the facts or the law, it was just they hadn't filed the correct forms.''

puhekieltä Generated by means of a procedure, rather than being designed.

a procedural texture; procedural terrain

puhekieltä A type of literature, film, or television program involving a sequence of technical detail.
2000, Gary Hausladen, Places for Dead Bodies (page 35)
It is only fitting that the investigation of place-based police procedurals begins in America, where the police procedural was invented and turned into a literary art form.


procedural rimmaa näiden kanssa:

pascal, rial, trial, sial, kajal, sammal, laakasammal, rahkasammal, nukkasammal, maksasammal

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