


  1. periaate

Esimerkkejä principle sanan käytöstä:

underlying principle

Liittyvät sanat: first principle



  1. selitys, periaatteiden selvitys, perusteet, toimintaperiaate, laki, luonnonlaki, periaate, Gestalt-organisaatioperiaate, Le Chatelierin periaate, Le Châtelier'n periaate.

Lisää synonyymejää





toimintaperiaate, laki A fundamental assumption or guiding belief.
{{quote-web|date=2011-07-20|author=Edwin Mares|site=The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy|title= Propositional Functions

Let us consider ‘my dog is asleep on the floor’ again. Frege thinks that this sentence can be analyzed in various different ways. Instead of treating it as expressing the application of __ is asleep on the floor to my dog, we can think of it as expressing the application of the concept     my dog is asleep on __to the object     the floor(see Frege 1919). Frege recognizes what is now a commonplace in the logical analysis of natural language. We can attribute more than one logical form to a single sentence. Let us call this the principle of multiple analyses. Frege does not claim that the principle always holds, but as we shall see, modern type theory does claim this.


A rule used to choose among solutions to a problem.
puhekieltä moral Moral rule or aspect.

I dont doubt your principles''.

You are clearly a person of principle.

Its the principle of the thing; I won't do business with someone I can't trust.''

puhekieltä A rule or law of nature, or the basic idea on how the laws of nature are applied.
{{quote-magazine|year=2013|month=July-August|author= Sarah Glaz

Bernoullis Principle''

The Pauli Exclusion Principle prevents two fermions from occupying the same state.

The principle of the internal combustion engine

A fundamental essence, particularly one producing a given quality.
Cathartine is the bitter, purgative principle of senna.
puhekieltä A beginning.
Doubting sad end of principle unsound.
A source, or origin; that from which anything proceeds; fundamental substance or energy; primordial substance; ultimate element, or cause.
The soul of man is an active principle.
An original faculty or endowment.
those active principles whose direct and ultimate object is the communication either of enjoyment or suffering
puhekieltä To equip with principles; to establish, or fix, in certain principles; to impress with any tenet or rule of conduct.
Governors should be well principled.
Let an enthusiast be principled that he or his teacher is inspired.


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