

  1. paikalla, läsnä (oleva)

  2. tämänhetkinen, nykyinen, nyky-

  3. kyseinen, käsiteltävä

Esimerkkejä present sanan käytöstä:

present day

the present results

the present article

Liittyvät sanat: födelsedagspresent , presentpapper



  1. nykyinen, tämänhetkinen, olemassa oleva, välitön, kuluvan kuun, tämän päivän, ajoitus.

Lisää synonyymejää





nykyinen, tämänhetkinen

esittää Relating to now, for the time being; current.

The barbaric practice continues to the present day.



Located in the immediate vicinity.
puhekieltä Having an immediate effect (of a medicine, poison etc.); fast-acting. (defdate)
(RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), II.5.1.v:
Amongst this number of cordials and alteratives I do not find a more present remedy than a cup of wine or strong drink, if it be soberly and opportunely used.
puhekieltä Not delayed; immediate; instant.
a present pardon
An ambassador(..)desires a present audience.
puhekieltä Ready; quick in emergency.

a present wit

puhekieltä favorable Favorably attentive; propitious.
to find a god so present to my prayer
Relating to something a person is referring to in the very context, with a deictic use similar to the demonstrative adjective this.

in the present study, the present article, the present results.

attentive Attentive; alert; focused.

Sorry, I was distracted just now, Ill try to be more present from now on.''

The current moment or period of time.
The present tense.
A gift, especially one given for birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, or any other special occasions.
puhekieltä The position of a soldier in present arms|presenting arms.
To bring (someone) into the presence of (a person); to introduce formally. (defdate)

to present an envoy to the king

puhekieltä To nominate (a member of the clergy) for an ecclesiastical benefice; to offer to the bishop or ordinary as a candidate for institution. (defdate)
puhekieltä To offer (a problem, complaint) to a court or other authority for consideration. (defdate)
puhekieltä To charge (a person) with a crime or accusation; to bring before court. (defdate)
1971, (w), Religion and the Decline of Magic, Folio Society 2012, page 71:
In the diocese of Gloucester in 1548 two inhabitants of Slimbridge were presented for saying that holy oil was ‘of no virtue but meet to grease sheep’.
puhekieltä To come forward, appear in a particular place or before a particular person, especially formally. (defdate)
Bible, Job i. 6
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the lord.
puhekieltä To put (something) forward in order for it to be seen; to show, exhibit. (defdate)
Alexander Pope
So ladies in romance assist their knight, / Present the spear, and arm him for the fight.
puhekieltä To make clear to one's mind or intelligence; to put forward for consideration. (defdate)
1927, (w), The Case-book of Sherlock Holmes:
I do begin to realize that the matter must be presented in such a way as may interest the reader.
puhekieltä To put on, stage (a play etc.). (defdate)

The theater is proud to present the Fearless Fliers.

puhekieltä To point (a firearm) at something, to hold (a weapon) in a position ready to fire. (defdate)
puhekieltä To offer oneself for mental consideration; to occur to the mind. (defdate)

Well, one idea does present itself.

puhekieltä To come to the attention of medical staff, especially (m) a specific symptom. (defdate)

The patient presented with insomnia.

puhekieltä To appear (in a specific way) for delivery (of a fetus); to appear first at the mouth of the uterus during childbirth. (defdate)
puhekieltä To appear or represent oneself (as having a certain gender).

At that time, w:Lili Elbe|Elbe was presenting as a man.

I was presenting as a boy / a girl / a man / a woman / (a) male / (a) female / masculine / feminine

puhekieltä To act as presenter on (a radio, television programme etc.). (defdate)

Anne Robinson presents "The Weakest Link".

puhekieltä To give a gift or presentation to (someone). (defdate)

She was presented with an honorary degree for her services to entertainment.

puhekieltä To give (a gift or presentation) to someone; to bestow. (defdate)
My last, least offering, I present thee now.
puhekieltä To deliver (something abstract) as though as a gift; to offer. (defdate)

I presented my compliments to Lady Featherstoneshaw.

puhekieltä To hand over (a bill etc.) to be paid. (defdate)
(l) (gloss)
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)
puhekieltä presentEnglish present, gift
English present
gift; (l)
1417, La disputation de l'Asne contre frere Anselme Turmeda
Un iour qu'il alloit par ladite cité & passant par la rue de la mer, veit une guenon dedans un panier & l'acheta pour en faire un present audit conte d'Armignac son parent, pource que en France i'a pas beaucoup de telz animaux.
: One day as he was walking through said city and passing through la Rue de Mer, he saw an Old World monkey in a basket and bought it to give it as a present to the Count of Armignac, his father, because there are not many animals like this one in France.
puhekieltä (l) (tense)
gift, presentEnglish present


present rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent

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