

  1. juttelu



  1. ruumiinosa, takapuoli, peppu, perse, takamus, peräpää, pylly, ahteri, pyrstö, perä, persus, pakarat, takalisto.

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peppu puhekieltä A cunning or mischievous trick; a prank, a joke. (defdate)
puhekieltä cunning Cunning, astute. (defdate)
puhekieltä A buttock, or the buttocks; a person's bottom. (defdate)
Thomas Dekker, 1608 , The Canters Dictionarie in The Belman of London (second part Lanthorne and Candlelight)

Pratt, a Buttock.
1982, (w), Water Music, Penguin 2006, p. 5:
Mungo didn't like their attitude. Nor did he like exposing his prat in mixed company.
puhekieltä A fool. (defdate)
puhekieltä The female genitals.
1967 (sourced to 1942), William A. Schwartz, The Limerick: 1700 Examples with Notes, Variants and Examples Vol 1, Greenleaf Classics 1967, p. 124:
"She's a far better pieceThan the Viceroy's niece,Who has also more fur on her prat."
1984 John Murray, ed, Panurge, Vol 1–3, p. 39:
"...they would kidnap a girl and take her back to their camp where they would pull down her knickers, hoping to find hairs on her prat."
2005 Sherrie Seibert Goff, The Arms of Quirinus, iUniverse 2005, p. 135:
"My prat was sore from the unfamiliar activities of the night before, but my virgin bleeding had ceased, and we rode most of the day in that unworldly haze that comes with lack of sleep."
(used with op) focused, bent, fixated
puhekieltä proud, haughty, arrogant
A pride, arrogance
the act of pouting or sulking
(supine of)
(l), (l)
(imperative of)
speech Speech, talk


prat rimmaa näiden kanssa:

enkelinkiharat, rahavarat, lahjavarat, ruokavarat, voimavarat, vesivoimavarat, sanavarat, lainavarat, muonavarat, raaka-ainevarat

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