


  1. kana

  2. potti

  3. urheilu|k=fr sarja, liiga

Esimerkkejä poule sanan käytöstä:

Le CSKA Moscou a battu Wolfsburg 2-1 durant la 5e journée de la phase de poules de la Ligue des champions. – (ennen pudotuspelejä)


englanti A girl, a young woman, especially seen as promiscuous; a slut. (defdate)
*1926, (w), The Sun Also Rises, Folio Society 2008, p. 40:
It was a warm spring night and I sat at a table on the terrace of the Napolitain after Robert had gone, watching … the poules going by, singly and in pairs, looking for the evening meal.
2000, (w), Super-Cannes, Fourth Estate 2011, p. 369:
‘Where are the Delages taking you?’ ‘Dinner at…somewhere terribly smart. They'll pretend I'm a poule they picked up in the street.’
(obsolete form of) (in various senses)
hen (gloss)
puhekieltä chick, bird (gloss)
puhekieltä pool
pool, group (stage of a competition before the knockout stages)
puhekieltä hen


poule rimmaa näiden kanssa:

joule, megajoule, terajoule, kilojoule

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