
Tarkoititko: postpositio

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englanti puhekieltä (A thing which has been) write written afterwards, appended.
1827, M. Corbett, The odd volume, containing a letter purporting to be from King James VI of Scotland to Sandie Fotheringhame, Laird o'Powrie, signed: James, R.
Postscriptum. — Scotland for ever! The Dane’s beneath the table, and Rab’s on the tap o’t, blawing like the deevil.
1900, Honoré de Balzac, Anatole Cerfberr, La Comédie Humaine: Now for the First Time Completely Translated Into English
This confidence so daintily tossed to the baron, in the fashion of a postscriptum, was evidently the compensation for five thousand francs.
2004, L. G. Aslamazov, A. A. Varlamov, The Wonders Of Physics
Postscriptum for taxpayers: After having started with the high-temperature thriller we turned to applications of conventional superconductors.
post scriptum
(alternative form of)
postscript, post scriptum
(inflection of)


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