
Tarkoititko: pontti

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti bridge


bridge; culvert; gangplank, gangway
(inflection of)
point (location or place)
point (unit of scoring)
point (topic of discussion)
point (particular moment in an event)
puhekieltä point (unit used to express differences in prices of stocks and shares)
puhekieltä point (zero-dimensional object)
dot (small spot)
puhekieltä dot or tittle of a character
puhekieltä full stop
puhekieltä stitch (single pass of a needle in sewing or suture)
a register of the time each employee arrives and leaves his workplace
a machine or device which logs the time each employee arrives and leaves his workplace
a specific value in a scale

ponto crítico

critical point

puhekieltä neither well done nor rare
a location where passengers wait for a bus or taxi
a unit of measurement of TV audience


pontō rimmaa näiden kanssa:

uskonto, pakanauskonto, maailmanuskonto, luonnonuskonto, muinaisuskonto, juonto, laahusjuonto, luonto, lähiluonto, ihmisluonto

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