


  1. lampi, lammikko

  2. allas (sakka-allas, saostusallas)

  3. pondi



  1. kalalammikko, lammikko, järvi, lampi, myllylampi.

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Liittyvät sanat: pondi.



lampi An inland body of standing water, either natural or man-made, that is smaller than a lake.
(RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)

But when the moon rose and the breeze awakened, and the sedges stirred, and the cat's-paws raced across the moonlit ponds, and the far surf off Wonder Head intoned the hymn of the four winds, the trinity, earth and sky and water, became one thunderous symphony—a harmony of sound and colour silvered to a monochrome by the moon.
puhekieltä The Atlantic Ocean. Especially in (m).


puhekieltä To block the flow of water so that it can escape only through evaporation or seepage; to dam.
puhekieltä To make into a pond; to collect, as water, in a pond by damming.
puhekieltä To form a pond; to pool.
puhekieltä To ponder.
pound (gloss)

Tot 1961, die Suid-Afrikaanse pond was onderverdeel in 20 sjielings.

unit of mass, often broadly similar to 500 grams
metric pound (gloss)
puhekieltä pound (gloss)
puhekieltä pound, any of several local units, with a range between 420 and 500 grammes, divided into 16 historical ounces
puhekieltä kilogram
one of several monetary units
British pound, pound sterling (gloss)
Egyptian pound
puhekieltä Flemish pound
(inflection of)


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