


  1. taipuisa

  2. kuvainnollinen|k=en helposti taivuteltavissa oleva

Esimerkkejä pliant sanan käytöstä:

He is not the pliant whipping boy the Kremlin wants in charge of the country’s largest social network.



  1. taipuisa, notkea, taipuva, taivutettava, joustava, mukautuva, vaha-, vahamainen, sopeutuva, vaikutuksille altis, vastaanottava.

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joustava, mukautuva, taipuisa

sopeutuva Capable of plying or bending; readily yielding to force or pressure without breaking; flexible; pliable; lithe; limber; plastic
1917, The National Geographic Magazine April 1917, The Warblers of North America

Whether in its northern or southern home, the black-throated blue warbler builds its nest of bark, roots, and other pliant material, loose and rather bulky, in a variety of saplings, bushes, and weeds, but always a few inches or a few feet from the ground.


puhekieltä Easily influenced for good or evil; tractable
2013, A. J. Langguth, Patriots
"The king had a pliant prime minister and a general who was telling him what he wanted to hear."
c. 1849, (w), The Brooklet
Yet there was pleasant sadness that became
Meetly the gentle heart and pliant sense,
In that same idlesse - gazing on that brook
(present participle of)
Adjective pliant

Sa mère a acheté un vélo pliant. - His mother bought a folding bicycle.

ranska docile, obéissant, accommodant
saksa entgegenkommend, fügsam, gefällig, gefügig, nachgiebig
romania cooperant, maleabil (m)


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