

  1. pilleri

Liittyvät sanat: pilleri, pillerihattu, pillerihumala, pillerinpyörittäjä, pillerirasia, pilleristi.


englanti puhekieltä A plunderer or thief.
(RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr):
Thenne he horsed his bretheren ageyne and sayd bretheren ye oughte to be ashamed to falle so of your horses / What is a Knyght but whan he is on horsbak / I sett not by a knyght whanne he is on foote / for all batails on fote ar but pelowres batails / For there shold no Knyghte syghte on foote / but yf hit were for treason / or els he were dryuen therto by force
(plural indefinite of)
(present tense of)
to plunder; to pillage
(inflection of)
(alternative form of)
a pill (a small portion of a drug or drugs to be taken orally)


  • nappi: pilleri

  • pilleri: jääpallo : Ei me koskaan skulattu mitään pillerii, lätkää vaan

  • piltsu: pilleri

  • tabu: pilleri / tabletti (rauhoittava) : Onks sul heittää mulle jotai särky-tabui?


piller rimmaa näiden kanssa:

bestseller, appenzeller

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