

  1. puhekieltä|lastenkieltä siitin

  2. murteellinen pilipuu, salava

Liittyvät sanat: pilipali.


englanti (monikko) pilus|lang=en
A tropical tree, (taxlink), native to maritime Southeast Asia, New Guinea and northern Australia, and cultivated in the Philippines for its nuts.
1996, Roberto E. Coronel, Pili Nut, Canarium Ovatum Engl, https://books.google.com.au/books?id=McEXPG3FtgYC&pg=PA12&dq=%22pili%22%7C%22pilis%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ITpbVY7XJcX4mAWm6YC4BQ&ved=0CCMQ6AEwAQv=onepage&q=%22pili%22%7C%22pilis%22&f=false page 12,
The pili is indigenous to the Philippines (Merrill 1912, 1923; Wester 1921; Brown 1954; Li 1970).
2009, Bioversity International, Bioversity Annual Report 2009, https://books.google.com.au/books?id=kzNcL3kD3t8C&pg=PA19&dq=%22pili%22%7C%22pilis%22+%22Canarium+ovatum%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=OUNbVbfGNoK1mAXmpICoCw&ved=0CF0Q6AEwDQv=onepage&q=%22pili%22%7C%22pilis%22%20%22Canarium%20ovatum%22&f=false page 19,
Pili (Canarium ovatum) is the most important tree nut of the Philippines.(..)Natural populations of pili are found in forests and are threatened by human activities and natural disasters.
2012, M.N. Normah, S. K. Malik, R. Chaudhury, I. Salma, M. A. Makeen, Chapter 8: Conservation of Tropical Fruit Genetic Resources, M. N. Normah, H. F. Chin, Barbara M. Reed (editors, Conservation of Tropical Plant Species, https://books.google.com.au/books?id=p9MKNopksAgC&pg=PA143&dq=%22pili%22%7C%22pilis%22+%22Canarium+ovatum%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=OUNbVbfGNoK1mAXmpICoCw&ved=0CHcQ6AEwEgv=onepage&q=%22pili%22%7C%22pilis%22%20%22Canarium%20ovatum%22&f=false page 143,
The crops covered by the project include jackfruit and other Artocarpus species, pili (Canarium ovatum), mangosteen and other Garcinia species, and durian (Durio zibethinus).
The edible nut of the tree.
(form of)
puhekieltä A pee-pee.
To choose
(inflection of)
(lv-inflection of)
(monikko) pił|lang=dsb
(monikko) pelo|lang=nap
puhekieltä two
to choose


  • pilipali: kelvoton / mitätön : Se oli ihan pilipalimatsi.


pili rimmaa näiden kanssa:

haili, kilohaili, maili, neljännesmaili, haamumaili, koktaili, alkukoktaili, staili, heili, leili

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