


  1. reppuselkä



  1. kantaminen, reppuselässä kantaminen, muuttaa, kytkeä, liittää, kuljettaa, rahdata, säilyttää, kantaa, kantaa reppuselässä.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



reppuselässä kantaminen

kantaa reppuselässä



liittää On somebody's back or shoulders.

a piggyback ride

Pertaining to transportation of goods where one transportation unit is carried on the back of something else. For example, a truck on a train.

Until this time the railroads had favored piggyback services (...) (John H. Mahoney, Intermodal Freight Transportation, 1985)

to ride piggyback

puhekieltä To attach or append something to another (usually larger) object or event.

They tried to piggyback that proposal on the rivers and harbors bill.

The popular host can’t claim credit for the trade, though. The idea wasn’t his. He piggybacked off another successful investor who had a history of picking winners.

puhekieltä To obtain a wireless internet connection by bringing one's own computer within the range of another's wireless connection without that subscriber's permission or knowledge.
puhekieltä Utilizing last mile wiring (not wireless slang) rented from a larger owner ISP by a smaller ISP, last milers are obligated to sell to competitors in places like Canada.
puhekieltä to carry someone on the back or shoulders.
To transport a lorry / truck on a flatbed railway waggon
A ride on somebody's back or shoulders.
An act or instance of piggybacking.
2000, Craig Allen, https://books.google.com/books?id=1bAoAwAAQBAJ&pg=PT100&dq=%22piggybacks%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjD29eI0brLAhUDyGMKHTIVAXM4FBDoAQggMAEv=onepage&q=%22piggybacks%22&f=false Eisenhower and the Mass Media: Peace, Prosperity, and Prime-time TV
The GOP had done its homework prior to bargaining for these piggybacks.


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