

  1. vähittäinen, asteittainen, askelittainen



  1. asteittainen, graduaalinen, vähittäinen.

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asteittain, vähitellen, vähä vähältä

vähittäinen Made or done in pieces or one stage at a time.
1947 - w:George Marshall|George Marshall, s:The Marshall Plan Speech|The Marshall Plan Speech

Such assistance, I am convinced, must not be on a piecemeal basis, as various crises develop.
1953, James Strachey, translation of w:Sigmund Freud|Sigmund Freud, w:The Interpretation of Dreams|The Interpretation of Dreams, Avon Books, pg. 224:
But the copious and intertwined associative links warrant our accepting the former alternative: cyclamen—favourite flower—favourite food— artichokes; pulling to pieces like an artichoke, leaf by leaf (a phrase constantly ringing in our ears in relation to the piecemeal dismemberment of the Chinese Empire)—herbarium—bookworms, whose favourite food is books.
piece Piece by piece; in small amounts, stages, or degrees.
1914 - s:Saki Saki, s:The Forbidden Buzzards|The Forbidden Buzzards
It’s as bad as selling a man a horse with half a dozen latent vices and watching him discover them piecemeal in the course of the hunting season.
Into pieces or parts.
1888 - s: The Whitehall Murder|The Whitehall Murder, w:The Daily Telegraph|Daily Telegraph (London), October 03
A few years ago also there was the case of Kate Webster, who at Richmond murdered her mistress, and, fiend-like, cut the body up piecemeal, and tried to dispose of it in various ways by small portions.
puhekieltä To divide or distribute piecemeal; dismember.
A fragment; a scrap.



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pascal, rial, trial, sial, kajal, sammal, laakasammal, rahkasammal, nukkasammal, maksasammal

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