


  1. hakku

  2. valinta

  3. musiikki|k=en plektra

  4. tiirikka

  5. kudelanka

Esimerkkejä pick sanan käytöstä:

what’s your 'pick'?

: minkä 'valitset'?

The threads which run in the weft direction (i.e. horizontally) are called the picks.

Katso myös: pick-up, avolavainen



  1. koripallopeli, estäminen, päätöksenteko, päättäminen, valinta, nimittämänä, suosikki.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: pick-up.



kiusata jkta




saalis A tool used for digging; a pickaxe.
A tool for unlocking a lock without the original key; a lock pick, picklock.
A comb with long widely spaced teeth, for use with tightly curled hair.
A choice; ability to choose.
Lord Lytton

France and Russia have the pick of our stables.
That which would be picked or chosen first; the best.
puhekieltä A screen.
puhekieltä An offensive tactic in which a player stands so as to block a defender from reaching a teammate.
puhekieltä An interception.
puhekieltä A good defensive play by an infielder.
puhekieltä A pickoff.
puhekieltä A tool used for strumming the strings of a guitar; a plectrum.
A pointed hammer used for dressing millstones.
puhekieltä A pike or spike; the sharp point fixed in the center of a buckler.
Beaumont and Fletcher
Take down my buckler (..) and grind the pick on 't.
puhekieltä A particle of ink or paper embedded in the hollow of a letter, filling up its face, and causing a spot on a printed sheet.


puhekieltä That which is picked in, as with a pointed pencil, to correct an unevenness in a picture.
puhekieltä The blow that drives the shuttle, used in calculating the speed of a loom (in picks per minute); hence, in describing the fineness of a fabric, a weft thread.

so many picks to an inch

To grasp and pull with the fingers or fingernails.

Dont pick at that scab.''

He nose-picking picked his nose.

To harvest a fruit or vegetable for consumption by remove removing it from the plant to which it is attached; to harvest an entire plant by removing it from the ground.

Its time to pick the tomatoes.''

To pull apart or away, especially with the fingers; to pluck.

She picked flowers in the meadow.

to pick feathers from a fowl

To take up; especially, to gather from here and there; to collect; to bring together.

to pick rags

To remove something from with a pointed instrument, with the fingers, or with the teeth.

to pick the teeth; to pick a bone; to pick a goose; to pick a pocket

Did you pick Master Slender's purse?
He picks clean teeth, and, busy as he seems / With an old tavern quill, is hungry yet.
To decide upon, from a set of options; to select.

Ill pick the one with the nicest name.''

Seek an opportunity to quarrel or argue with someone.

puhekieltä To recognise the type of ball being bowled by a bowler by studying the position of the hand and arm as the ball is released.

He didnt pick the googly, and was bowled.''

puhekieltä To pluck the individual strings of a musical instrument or to play such an instrument.

He picked a tune on his banjo.

To open (a lock) with a wire, lock pick, etc.
To eat slowly, sparingly, or by morsels; to nibble.
Why stand'st thou picking? Is thy palate sore?
To do anything nicely or carefully, or by attending to small things; to select something with care.
To steal; to pilfer.
Book of Common Prayer
to keep my hands from picking and stealing
puhekieltä To throw; to pitch.
as high as I could pick my lance
puhekieltä To peck at, as a bird with its beak; to strike at with anything pointed; to act upon with a pointed instrument; to pierce; to prick, as with a pin.
puhekieltä To separate or open by means of a sharp point or points.

to pick matted wool, cotton, oakum, etc.

Naphtha lamps shed a weird light over a busy scene, for the work was being continued night and day. A score or so of sturdy navvies were shovelling and picking along the track.
(de-verb form of)
puhekieltä (de-verb form of)


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slapstick, joystick

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