

pescovegetaristi A person who consumes no animal flesh with the exception of fish or seafood.
1999, Jessica R. Shawl, 'http://groups.google.com/group/rec.food.veg/msg/75f255abde36797f "Vegetarians"???', rec.food.veg, Usenet:

I'm curious what you do when you encounter a friend, family member, whoever who claims to be a "vegetarian who eats fish". It *reallybothers me when this happens because it contributes to the assumption that I eat fish and I don't, because I am a vegetarian. I feel like it gives all vegetarians a bad name.
Do you correct them? Do you not bother? And how do you correct them? I was thinking that saying something like "oh, you mean your(SI) a pescetarian" would be ok and give them the appropriate term. Speaking of which, how is "pescetarian" pronounced?
2005, Kirsten Hartvig, Pierre Jean Cousin, The Complete Guide to Nutritional Health: More Than 600 Foods and Recipes for Overcoming Illness and Boosting your Immunity, http://books.google.com/books?id=K4qWONwrPa8C&pg=RA1-PA149&vq=pescetarian page 149:
Eat for Immunity follows a plant-based approach to improving immunity that is relevant to every style of eating—carnivore, pescetarian, vegetarian and vegan.
2006, Ayun Halliday, Dirty Sugar Cookies: Culinary Observations, Questionable Taste, http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN1580051502&id=xJpxCj8Mb1MC&pg=PA151&lpg=PA151&ots=AzoKwE_SEA&dq=pescetarian&sig=eVsavtLYpYaAZq_FYpSuFHF5CR0PPA152,M1 page 151:
"Why don't you just tell people you're a pescetarian?" a vegetarian I met recently asked, cutting me off midapologia for my beat-up leather jacket and my callow habit of behaving as if fish are neurologically no more complex than eggplants.


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