


  1. persikka

Liittyvät sanat: peach tree



  1. vaaleanpunainen, kellertävä pinkki, aprikoosi, persikanväri, lohenpunainen, syötävä hedelmä, persikka, kaunotar, hyvännäköinen ihminen, namu, namupala, tyrmäävä tyyppi, hyvännäköinen nainen, ihastuttava ihminen, lumoava ihminen, herttainen ihminen, kultainen ihminen, loisto-, loistotyyppi, donna, herkkupala, miestennielijä, hyvännäköinen, kaunokainen, nainen, aikuinen nainen, luumarja.

Lisää synonyymejää





loisto-, loistotyyppi A tree ((taxlink)), native to China and now widely cultivated throughout temperate regions, having pink flowers and edible fruit.
(senseid) The soft juicy stone fruit of the peach tree, having yellow flesh, downy, red-tinted yellow skin, and a deeply sculptured pit or stone containing a single seed.
(quote-book) and that the English should eat peaches in May, and green pease in October, sounds to Italian ears as a miracle; they comfort themselves, however, by saying that they must be very insipid, while we know that fruits forced by strong fire are at least many of them higher in flavour than those produced by sun (..)|url=
A light moderate to strong yellowish pink to light orange color.

(color panel)

puhekieltä A particularly admirable or pleasing person or thing.
Of or pertaining to the (l) peach.
(rfv-sens) Particularly (l) or (l).
puhekieltä To inform on someone; turn informer.
(quote-book)|title=(w)|publisher=Macmillan Press Ltd|edition=paperback|page=21|passage=And his father had told him if he ever wanted anything to write home to him and, whatever he did, never to peach on a fellow.
(quote-book)|title=Her Forbidden Knight|year_published=1997|publisher=(w)|isbn=0786704446|page=123|passage="Do you think we want to peach? No, thank you. We may be none too good, but we won't hang a guy up, no matter who he is.(..)"
puhekieltä To (l) against.
(quote-magazine) and finding out the residence of his brother Charles, desires him not to peach him, but to lend him a suit of his fine cloaths, that he might see what it was to be a fine gentleman (..)
puhekieltä A particular (l) found in (l) mines, sometimes associated with (l).


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