


  1. patruuna


englanti puhekieltä One of the landowning Dutch grandees of the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam, especially after it became a British possession renamed as New York.
(quote-book) Frequently overlooked in the discussion of the appeal of British portraiture to Dutch patroons is the fact that English portraiture of the seventeenth century was, in fact, a direct descendant of the Netherlandish portrait tradition.
(quote-book) Jeweler w:Kiliaen van Rensselaer (merchant)|Killiaen Van Rensselaer, a company founder, came up with a solution: the patroon system. Established in 1629, it granted near-feudal rights to any wealthy merchant – or patroon – who agreed to populate the valley. In exchange for taking on the costs of establishing mini-colonies of 48 or more settlers, the patroons were allowed to negotiate with the Indians for the purchase of huge tracts of land, which by law would remain in their families forever.
(l) or (l) from which a (l) is made
puhekieltä (l) or (l)
(l); an (l) (l) or (l) (l)
(l); a (l) or (l) arrangment (gloss)
puhekieltä (l)
(l); a (l) for ink, powder, gas, etc.
a (l) that (l) either (l) or like an (l)
(l); (l) (l) who supports an artist, craftsman, a scholar, etc.
puhekieltä (l); (l)
puhekieltä (l); a (l) who had freed his slave but still retained some rights over him
patron saint
pattern, model
cartridge (gloss)


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