patria potestās

Tarkoititko: patriarkaatti

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Katso myös: pro patria


englanti puhekieltä The legal power and rights of a Roman father over his children and descendants by virtue of his paternity.
1870, William George Smith (ed.), A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 3rd American ed., page 742
It was a condition of the patria potestas that the child should be born in marriage.


  • "Accusando fieri infectum non potest."

  • "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori."

  • "Ubi bene, ibi patria."

  • "Patria o Muerte! Venceremos!" (suom. Isänmaa tai kuolema! Me voitamme!) "


patria potestās rimmaa näiden kanssa:

jestas, herrajestas, herranjestas

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