
Tarkoititko: patee

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti a cadaver, a corpse; a dead body
the dead body of an animal; a carcass
a fatality
the dead; those who have died
dead; no longer living.
puhekieltä dry or dull.
puhekieltä smashed or detached
puhekieltä completely inactive; without power; without a signal.
to die, to drop dead
to kill
the dead body of a person; cadaver; corpse
the dead body of an animal; carcass
state or condition of being dead
those who have died

Idalangin natin ang mga patay.

Let's pray for those who have died.

dead; lifeless; no longer living
puhekieltä off; not on
puhekieltä dried; no longer growing
puhekieltä obsolete; no longer in use


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