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Esimerkkejä partage sanan käytöstä:

le site de partage de vidéos YouTube – videoidenjakosivusto YouTube

partage des tâches – kotitöiden jako


englanti puhekieltä A part, portion or share.
puhekieltä division Division, sharing; the act of portioning out or dividing up.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), I.46:
looke into our Royall house, where so many partages tr. (m), so many surnames, and so many severall titles have so encumbred us, that the originall of the stocke is utterly lost.
puhekieltä The one-time standard practice of the divvying up of artifacts between archaeologists, their patrons and the host territory.
sharing (gloss)
(inflection of)


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