


  1. puhua

  2. osata kieltä

  3. * Je parle français et finnois. – Osaan ranskaa ja suomea


englanti puhekieltä To speak or talk.

Il a commencé à parler à l’âge de quatre ans. -

He began to speak at the age of four.

Ils ont parlé plusieurs heures avant d’aller se coucher.

They spoke several hours before going to sleep.

puhekieltä to be able to communicate in a language; to speak

Elle parle couramment français. - She speaks French fluently

puhekieltä To cant; (of a coat of arms) to make a pun of its bearer's name.

Armes parlantes.

to speak; to talk.
to speak; to talk


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dealer, rottweiler, bestseller, appenzeller, kassler

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