

  1. vaikuttamaan pyrkivä keino, paralepsis, ohittaminen.

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paralepsis puhekieltä A figure of speech in which one pretends to ignore or omit something by actually mentioning it, as in: "I will not speak of my adversary's scandalous venality and rapacity, his brutal conduct, his treachery and malice". (defdate)
*1990, (w), Sexual Personae:

These negatives are a paraleipsis: what cannot be done to the soul can be done to the body.
*2008, Alisa Lebow, First Person Jewish, p. 60:
Oxenberg tells us twice that she does not talk about the sister who died. She fools no one with this paralipsis ….
*2016, Slate, 2 November:
What's left to consider? I am loath to bring up Trump's paralipsis.
puhekieltä paraleipsis
ranska paralipse (f)
saksa Paralipse (f)
venäjä t-needed ru


paralipsis rimmaa näiden kanssa:

skepsis, sepsis, synopsis, upsis, hupsis, höpsis

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