

  1. kielitunnus-2|papiamentu|papiamentunref-CLDR-fi|v=36|viitattu=1.5.2020



  1. lisääntymiselin, sukupuolielin, sukuelin, nänni, rinta, nisä, tissi, maitorauhanen, hölynpöly, puppu, pöty, höpötys, höpinä, höpöpuhe, ruoka, pehmeä ruokavalio, mömmö, mössö, lusikkaruoka, vauvanpuppu.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: Papa-koe, Papa-näyte, papaija, papana, paparazzi, papattaa.



nänni, rinta

mömmö, mössö

hölynpöly puhekieltä Food in the form of a soft paste, often a porridge, especially as given to very young children.

Pap can be made from bread boiled in milk or water.

puhekieltä nonsense Nonsense.
puhekieltä porridge Porridge.

Pap and wors are traditionally eaten at a braai.

puhekieltä support from official patronage

Treasury pap

The pulp of fruit.


puhekieltä Spineless, wet, without character.
He is so pap and boring.
puhekieltä To feed with pap.
puhekieltä A female breast or nipple. (defdate)
Bible, Luke xi. 27
the paps which thou hast sucked
(RQ:Spenser Faerie Queen), II.xii:
But th'other rather higher did arise, / And her two lilly paps aloft displayd, / And all, that might his melting hart entise / To her delights, she vnto him bewrayd(nb..).
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), Folio Society, 2006, vol.1, p.98:
they doe not onely weare jewels at their noses, in their lip and cheekes, and in their toes, but also big wedges of gold through their paps (transterm) and buttocks(nb..).
puhekieltä A man's breast. (defdate)
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), II.13:
Adrianus the Emperour made his Physition to marke and take the just compasse of the mortall place about his pap, that so his aime might not faile him, to whom he had given charge to kill him.
A rounded, nipple-like hill or peak.
Pap smear
puhekieltä Flat.

I got a puncture and the wheel went pap.

puhekieltä A paparazzo.
2015, " Justin Bieber's top 10's worst moments", OK! Magazine:
As he made his way from the London hotel to his car, the singer threatened to beat up a pap who got in his way.
2015, Mira Bailee, Broken Strings
We turn back onto the main road and I'm relieved to not see any paps. They've got to be somewhere though. They don't just leave.
puhekieltä Of a paparazzo, to take a surreptitious photograph of (someone, especially a celebrity) without their consent.

Look, that pop star’s been papped in her bikini again!

ancestor, forefather
old man
(nl-verb form of)
(jbo-rafsi of)
to swim


  • babru : paperi : Ootsä stikannu mun babrut roskikseen, mutsi?

  • blokki: paperilehtiö

  • bruju: paperi / muistio : Tuu nu säki tsiigaa ku karsee kasa brujuja.

  • klemsu: paperiliitin

  • pabru: paperi : Onks sul mitää pabruu tän fisun ympärille?

  • paplari: papiljotti / hiusrulla : Mutsi pani aina bastun jälkee paplarit päähän.

  • papparainen : vanhahko mieshenkilö : Älä sä papparainen tuu aukoon mitään!

  • pappatuna / -tuntsa: vanha tunturimopedi

  • pappatunan tynkä: vanha kulunut mopo

  • pappis: Tunturi mopedi, vanha

  • papru: todistus

  • papru: paperi : Onks sul jotai ruutupapruu?

  • paprut: todistukset, esim. koulusta : Millaset paprut sait … joudutsä tuplaan?

  • papu: raha : Onks sul yhtään papuu messis?

  • pilli: paperi-imukkeinen savuke


pap rimmaa näiden kanssa:

handicap, rap, trap, swap

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