


  1. pantomiimi



  1. näytteleminen, esittäminen, näyttelijäntyö, miimos, pantomiimi, näytellä, esittää, esiintyä, esittää pantomiimia.

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esittää pantomiimia puhekieltä A Classical comic actor, especially one who works mainly through gesture and mime. (defdate)

He saw a pantomime perform so well that he could follow the performance from the action alone.
puhekieltä The drama in ancient Greece and Rome featuring such performers; or (later) any of various kinds of performance modelled on such work. (defdate)
puhekieltä A traditional theatrical entertainment, originally based on the commedia dell'arte, but later aimed mostly at children and involving physical comedy, topical jokes, call and response, and fairy-tale plots. (defdate)
{{quote-journal|date=October 20, 2011
Gesturing without speaking; dumb-show, mime. (defdate)
1851, w:Herman Melville|Herman Melville, w:Moby Dick|Moby Dick, s:Moby-Dick/Chapter 26|chapter 26
A staid, steadfast man, whose life for the most part was a telling pantomime of action, and not a tame chapter of sounds.
1994, Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom, Abacus 2010, p. 26:
In pantomime, Chief Joyi would fling his spear and creep along the veld as he narrated the victories and defeats.
puhekieltä To make (a gesture) without speaking.

I pantomimed steering a car; he understood, and tossed the keys to me.

puhekieltä To entertain others by silent gestures or actions. (rfe)
(monikko) pantomima|lang=it
(inflection of)


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viime, lime, ragtime

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