

  1. kalpea

  2. kelmeä, valju

  3. kuva vaisu

Liittyvät sanat: paleness



  1. väritön, kalpea, kalvakka, kelmeä, vaalean-, haalea, vaalea, heikko, kevyt.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: palella, palelluksissa, palelluksissaan, palelluttaa, paleltaa, paleltua.





vaalea, haalea

kalveta light Light in color.


(RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)
“Heavens!” exclaimed Nina, “the blue-stocking and the fogy!—and yours are pale blue, Eileen!—you’re about as self-conscious as Drina—slumping there with your hair tumbling à la Mérode! Oh, it's very picturesque, of course, but a straight spine and good grooming is better.(nb..)
puhekieltä Having a pallor (a light color, especially due to sickness, shock, fright etc.).
feeble Feeble, faint.

He is but a pale shadow of his former self.

puhekieltä To turn pale; to lose colour.
Elizabeth Browning
Apt to pale at a trodden worm.
puhekieltä To become insignificant.

2006 New York Times Its financing pales next to the tens of billions that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will have at its disposal, ...

12 July 2012, Sam Adams, AV Club Ice Age: Continental Drift
The matter of whether the world needs a fourth Ice Age movie pales beside the question of why there were three before it, but Continental Drift feels less like an extension of a theatrical franchise than an episode of a middling TV cartoon, lolling around on territory that’s already been settled.
puhekieltä To make pale; to diminish the brightness of.
The glowworm shows the matin to be near, / And gins to pale his uneffectual fire.
puhekieltä Paleness; pallor.


A wooden stake; a picket.
Deer creep through when a pale tumbles down.
puhekieltä fence Fence made from wooden stake; palisade.
1615, Ralph Hamor, A True Discourse of the Present State of Virginia, Richmond 1957, p. 13:
Fourthly, they shall not vpon any occasion whatsoeuer breake downe any of our pales, or come into any of our Townes or forts by any other waies, issues or ports then ordinary ....
puhekieltä limit Limits, bounds (especially before (m)).
to walk the studious cloister's pale
1900, w:Jack London|Jack London, s:Son of the Wolf/The Wisdom of the Trail|Son of the Wolf:The Wisdom of the Trail:
Men so situated, beyond the pale of the honor and the law, are not to be trusted.
1919, B. G. Jefferis and J. L. Nichols, s:Searchlights on Health/When and Whom to Marry|Searchlights on Health:When and Whom to Marry:
All things considered, we advise the male reader to keep his desires in check till he is at least twenty-five, and the female not to enter the pale of wedlock until she has attained the age of twenty.
The bounds of morality, good behaviour or judgment in civilized company, in the phrase beyond the pale.
2016 Jeff Flake ‏@JeffFlake.@realDonaldTrump
saying that he might not accept election results is beyond the pale.
puhekieltä A vertical band down the middle of a shield.
puhekieltä A territory or defensive area within a specific boundary or under a given jurisdiction.
puhekieltä The parts of Ireland under English jurisdiction.
puhekieltä The territory around (w) under English control (from the 14th to 16th centuries).
2009, (w), Wolf Hall, Fourth Estate 2010, p. 402:
He knows the fortifications – crumbling – and beyond the city walls the lands of the Pale, its woods, villages and marshes, its sluices, dykes and canals.
2011, Thomas Penn, Winter King, Penguin 2012, p. 73:
A low-lying, marshy enclave stretching eighteen miles along the coast and pushing some eight to ten miles inland, the Pale of Calais nestled between French Picardy to the west and, to the east, the imperial-dominated territories of Flanders.
puhekieltä A portion of Russia in which Jews were permitted to live.
puhekieltä The jurisdiction (territorial or otherwise) of an authority.
A cheese scoop.
A shore for bracing a timber before it is fastened.
To enclose with pales, or as if with pales; to encircle or encompass; to fence off.

Your isle, which stands ribbed and paled in / With rocks unscalable and roaring waters. — Shakespeare.

blade (of a propeller etc)
vane (of a windmill etc)
to talk, to speak
(monikko) pala|lang=it
(inflection of)
puhekieltä (l)
(l), whitish or having little color
(sw-adj form of)


  • frysaa: palella : Mua alkaa frysaa, nyt on pakko lähtee nostelee.

  • fryysaa: palella : Alkoks sua jo frysaa … mähän sanoin sulle …

  • kalsaa: palella

  • palelee jotakin / frysaa: puuttua, vars korttipelissä : Montaks sul palelee?

  • paletti: sakki


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