
englanti puhekieltä A Greek city-state.
2006, Karen Armstrong, The Great Transformation, Atlantic Books 2007, p. 161:
By the end of the century, poleis had been established throughout the Hellenic world, all bearing a marked family resemblance.
puhekieltä The police.
puhekieltä A police officer.
A police officer; a cop.
A civil force granted the legal authority for law enforcement and maintaining public order.
insurance policy
(inflection of)
(masculine plural past participle of)
(masculine plural of)
a Pole, a Polish man, a man born in Poland


puhekieltä Polish; pertaining to Poland and its people
puhekieltä police
1987, Robbie Kydd, ...Auld Zimmery, Mariscat Press 1987:
'Listen then. Yer name's Andy MacPhail. That's whit us three has jist tellt the polis in wir statements. Okay?'
1991, Dr James Begg, Dipper: 20 – Cops and Robbers, Luath Press 1991:
‘Aye, Andra,' cam back the reply. 'We micht as weel caa it a day doun here. The hale bluidy place is hotchin wi polis! Come doun an get us at the Auld Raw.'
2007, (w), The Quarry, Lochlands 2007:
Brian hid contactit his granfaither, Pat, tae see gin the polis computers could raik up onythin ava tae makk eese o in persuadin Bappy Anderson tae pairt wi a kidney.
2013, Donal McLaughlin, translating (w), Naw Much of a Talker, Freight Books 2013, p. 51:
Coont yirsel lucky ahm naw cawin the polis. Noo fuck off.
adorn, beautify
English polis
(monikko) poli|lang=es
police (as an organization or as an individual)
police (gloss)


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