


  1. (apuverbi) pitäisi

Esimerkkejä ought sanan käytöstä:

You ought to vote in the coming election.



pitää in conditional, tulla in conditional, kuulua in conditional

pitää in conditional puhekieltä (en-simple past of)
1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Luke VII:

There was a certayne lender, which had two detters, the one ought five hondred pence, and the other fifty.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), Folio Society, 2006, vol.1, p.182:
witnesse Aristippus, who being urged with the affection he ought his children, as proceeding from his loynes, began to spit(nb..).
puhekieltä Indicating duty or obligation.


puhekieltä Indicating advisability or prudence.
puhekieltä Indicating desirability.
puhekieltä Indicating likelihood or probability.
(alternative spelling of) anything
Bishop Joseph Hall
Is it a small benefit, that I am placed there (..) where I see no drunken comessations, no rebellious routs, no violent oppressions, no obscene rejoicings, nor ought else that might either vex or affright my soul?
(alternative spelling of) at all, to any degree.
A statement of what ought to be the case as contrasted with what is the case.
{{quote-book|year=1996|title=The Time of Our Lives: The Ethics of Common Sense|author=Mortimer Jerome Adler
{{quote-book|year=2004|title=Truth Matters: Essays in Honor of Jacques Maritain|author=Jacques Maritain, John G. Trapani
(alternative spelling of), cipher, zero, nought.
Charles Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby
I go back at eight o'clock to-morrow morning, and have got only three — three oughts is an ought — three twos is six — sixty pound.


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