


  1. vaiht-kirj|en|ostrac|ize



  1. karttaa, vältellä, välttää, sulkea pois, estää pääsy, estää, boikotoida, hylkiä, sulkea ulkopuolelle, karkottaa, heittää ulos, potkaista ulos, hankkiutua eroon, kieltää, hyljeksiä, kaihtaa, karsastaa, äänestää vastaan, ajaa pois, ajaa tiehensä.

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hyljeksiä To exclude (a person) from society or from a community, by not communicating with (them) or by refusing to acknowledge (their) presence; to refuse to talk to or associate with; to shun.
2003, Cele C. Otnes, Elizabeth Hafkin Pleck, Cinderella Dreams: The Allure of the Lavish Wedding,

Lesbian studies scholar Ramona Oswald has extended this criticism by arguing that traditions such as the bouquet toss and the "singles" table at the wedding reception often marginalize and ostracize lesbians and gays in attendance.
2007, Petra Hauf and Friedrich Försterling (editors), Making Minds: The shaping of human minds through social context,
Children ostracize other children in the playground, choosing carefully who they wish to play with. Adults ostracize other adults, such as marriage partners using the silent treatment.
puhekieltä To ban a person from the city of (l) for ten years.

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