


  1. jokin kuuloluista

  2. muu pieni luu



  1. luu, os, pikkuluu, ossikkeli, kuuloluu.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



pikkuluu puhekieltä A small bone (or bony structure), especially one of the three of the middle ear.

The incus is one of the three auditory ossicles.

1836, William Buckland, Geology and Mineralogy, Considered with Reference to Natural Theology, vol. 1, William Pickering, p. 174:
The eyeballs were surrounded by a ring of bones, the sclerotic ossicle, which probably protected their eyes when diving abruptly for prey.
puhekieltä Bone-like joint or plate, especially:
one of numerous small calcareous structures forming the skeleton of certain echinoderms, as the starfishes;
one of the hard articuli or joints of the stem or branches of a crinoid or encrinite;
one of the several small hard chitinous parts or processes of the gastric skeleton of crustaceans, as in the stomach of a lobster or crawfish.
The skeleton of echinoderms is made of ossicles, linked to each other via muscles and connective tissue.
(l) (gloss)


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