
Tarkoititko: orgasmi

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englanti puhekieltä a type of medieval polyphony which builds upon an existing plainsong
puhekieltä A method by which philosophical or scientific investigation may be conducted.
1794, George Adams, Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy
He has given us an organum of a different origin and construction from that of Arislotle(..)
1823, Thomas Wirgman, An Entirely New, Complete and Permanent Science of Philosophy
Another important circumstance respecting our transcendental esthetics is, that it does not insinuate itself merely as a plausible hypothesis, but is as certain and indubitable as we can require any theory to be in order to serve as an organum.
an implement, instrument, tool
any musical instrument


organum rimmaa näiden kanssa:

niobium, palladium, radium, iridium, indium, rodium, kalium, syankalium, helium, tallium

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