


  1. myös

  2. (kuka/mitä) tahansa

Esimerkkejä ook sanan käytöstä:

wie dan ook

waar ook


englanti The cry of a monkey.
1995, Terry Pratchett, Soul Music
He tapped the Librarian on the shoulder. "Excuse me —" "Ook?" "Those guys just called you a monkey," said Glod.
2004, Robert Arellano, Don Dimaio of La Plata
The irate ape cries, "Ook ook! Ai ai ai!" He springs off the edge of the stone basin, clawing Cantare across the face and bursting through the door.
2014, Victoria Wessex, Shipwrecked with the Billionaire Rock Star
Fingers pinched my eyelashes and lifted one eyelid. I looked straight into a big, leathery black face surrounded by brown fur. “Ook?” asked the monkey.
also, too, moreover


(qualifier) either
particle for emphasis
(alternative form of)
oak (qualifier)
14th Century, w:Geoffrey Chaucer|Chaucer, http://books.google.com/books?id=SQIVAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=canterbury+tales&hl=en&ei=fnVgTPyZKIyKOKmH_LwJ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=34&ved=0CPQBEOgBMCEv=onepage&q&f=false The Canterbury Tales, The Knight's Tale
The brighte swerdes wenten to and froSo hidously þat with þe leste strookThat it semeþ þat it wolde felle an ook


  • ookaa: ottaa kyytiin / olla kyydissä

  • ookoo / ok: kunnossa : Ootsä iha ookoo? Sä oot iha kalpee.


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