
Tarkoititko: onania

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englanti on, at, toward, upon.

(m), (m), (m), (m)

un-, in-
(def), (def)
Forming verbs and adjectives from participles and nouns, with various senses of on, upon, to, there, thither.

onhlinian "to lean on"

ondon ondōn "to don, put on clothes"

puhekieltä in, into; prefix used to intensify an action or to denote origin or initiation

onliehtan onlīehtan "to enlighten"

onstellan, onstiellan "to establish, institute, install, originate"

denoting reverse action

onbindan "to untie, unbind"

onfealdan "to unfold"

off, away

onberan "to carry off"


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