


  1. rinnkonj|k=sv ja

  2. rinnkonj|k=sv l|sv|både ... ~ sekä ... että


englanti puhekieltä general interjection of confirmation, affirmation, and often disapproval.
puhekieltä an expression of anger, frustration, surprise
*(quote-video)|(w)|1|17|episode=Scottish Independence|network=HBO||“Och, ooh, it’s so confusing, it hurts my wee head! I’m just a woman, you know, just a pair of ovaries and some bangs! How do I have the mental capacity to pick from one of two options? Put me down for a no, and never trust me with an important decision again!”
expressing endearment, pity, consideration, etc.
puhekieltä eight
and; used to connect two homogeneous (similar) words or phrases

Jag gillar hundar och katter.

I like dogs and cats.

and; used to denote the last item of a list

äpplen, apelsiner och päron

apples, oranges and pears

puhekieltä and, plus

Två och tre är fem.

Two and three is five.

used to connect two finite verbs to denote that the two actions are performed at the same time

Jag sitter och läser.

Im sitting and reading.''

used to connect two finite verbs to denote that the first is done in order to be able to do the second

Ska vi gå och bada?

Should we go swimming?

puhekieltä Introduces a main clause which somehow is bound to a previous clause

Och det vart afton, och det vart morgon, den andra dagen.

And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.


och rimmaa näiden kanssa:

high tech, hi-tech, sandwich, brunch, kitsch

Lisää riimejä

Ehdota määritelmää