


  1. olla, esiintyä; aiheutua, ilmaantua; tapahtua, sattua (odottamatta)

  2. ~ to tulla jklle mieleen, pälkähtää päähän

Esimerkkejä occur sanan käytöstä:

The accident 'occurred' during the rush hour.

Complications 'occur' in a few per cent of patients who have undergone the treatment.

This tree 'occurs' in most of South Eastern Asia.

It 'occurred to' me I hadnt eaten anything all day.

The thought of giving up on med school never 'occurred to' me.

Didnt it 'occur to' you to simply ask him?

Liittyvät sanat: occurrence



  1. syntyä, ilmaantua, kehkeytyä, saada alkunsa, tapahtua, mennä, sujua, sattua, pitää, käydä, seurata, olla tuloksena, tulla väliin.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä




juolahtaa mieleen

esiintyä To happen or take place.


To present or offer (itself).
puhekieltä To come or be presented to the mind; to suggest (itself).
1995, (w), Industrial Society and Its Future,
Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, ...
puhekieltä To be present or found.


occur rimmaa näiden kanssa:

romadur, happy hour, glamour, improbatur, approbatur, cum laude approbatur, eximia cum laude approbatur, magna cum laude approbatur, lubenter approbatur, laudatur

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