
Tarkoititko: neula

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englanti puhekieltä neat Neat, well-groomed, natty.
1573, w:Thomas Tusser|Thomas Tusser, "Points of Huswifrie" in Fiue Hundreth Points of Good Husbandry:
How pretty prettie, how fine and how netty nettie,Good housewife huswife should yettie.
netted Netted: made of or employing a net.
1587, Leonard Mascall, The Booke of Cattell: Sheep, p. 214:
Ye ought for to keepe them close, till the day have haue taken the gellie or netty rime, from the earth.
netlike Netlike.
puhekieltä An outhouse: an outbuilding used as a lavatory.
1825, John Trotter Brockett, Glossary of North Country Words:
Neddy, netty Netty, a certain place that will not bear a written explanation, but which is depicted to the very life in a tail-piece in the first edition of Bewick's ‘Land Birds’ (1797), p. 285.
1978, John Lewis, Uncertain Sound, Ch. iii, p. 75:
A line of pit cottages... tiny back gardens with outside lavatories, ‘netty netties’, some of them emptied twice a week by the council.
1992 May 4, The Independent, p. 13:
Our toilet was an outside netty shared between two or three families, where you sat on a hole and hoped the cat wouldn't jump at your backside.
puhekieltä any Any other place or fixture used for urination and defecation: a lavatory; a toilet.
1903, English Dialect Dictionary, Vol. IV, p. 255:
netty Netty, a privy or water-closet... A common name, amongst the working classes... In common use. In my recollection it was looked upon as a euphemism.


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tietty, mielitietty, kielletty, läpisävelletty, ilmetty, kovaksikeitetty, edellä esitetty, yhdistetty, alppiyhdistetty, suojaeristetty

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